Saturday, August 24, 2013

ކޮންމެ ކަމެއް ވެސް ވާނީ ﷲ އިރާދަކުރެއްވީމަ!

CLICK HERE  to watch a short Islamic video! 

What do you think of what he said on that video? He said that there are guys who act like girls, guys who talk in girl voices, girls who act like guys and girls who talk in guy voices in the Maldives, and that it’s forbidden for them to do that, in Islam.

I know that there are many boys who have a girl voice before puberty, but are there guys who have a girl voice even after puberty? The answer is yes, there are many. Is it forbidden for them to have a girl voice? Is it wrong? If it’s forbidden in Islam, why did God give them that voice? God makes no mistakes, because He is perfect. Humans are imperfect.

There are men who are just naturally girly and women who are naturally boyish. Some of those guys have a female voice and some of those girls have a male voice. Is it still forbidden  for them to act like that and talk like that, even though they never had a choice to do it or not? NO! It’s not forbidden. Whenever a Sheikh or an Islamic teacher says something about Islam, a lot of Muslims just listen to it and conclude that what the person saying that is telling the truth, but does the listener wonder, “what if they are wrong?”

Be more open. Anyone can be wrong. Even the smartest person in the whole world can be wrong. Don’t just listen to others and conclude that what they are saying is true. Find out the answer yourself.

Why is it not forbidden? The answer is, because they don’t do it on purpose. It’s how they are. That’s how God made them. Whether they developed the personalities of the opposite gender or not, it was God’s will. “Konme kameh ves vanee Allah iraadha kureh veema”. It was Allah’s will to make those men, effeminate. It was Allah’s will to make those women, masculine. It was Allah’s will to give those men a female voice. It was Allah’s will to give those women a male voice.

Do you remember yourself choosing to have a particular voice? Do you remember yourself choosing to have a particular personality? At one point of your life, you might have chosen to “change” your personality, but was your “first” and “real” personality, a personality which you chose yourself? And after you changed your personality, did you go from “feminine to masculine” or from “masculine to feminine”? I don’t think so. There are things which you can and can’t choose. Before saying that someone else chose this or that, ask yourself if you chose it. If the answer is no, then the person you were referring to didn’t choose it either.

Now, is there anything wrong with a man having a female voice or acting like a woman? Is there anything wrong with a woman having a male voice and acting like a man? NO! It was God’s will for this to happen. I’m sure that your voice is not something which is developed, because of your environment. It’s God who did it. God gave you a voice. It’s God’s will. Effeminacy in men and masculinity in women could have been something which was developed, because of the environment, but don’t you think God made it develop? Allah iraadha kureh veema konme kameh ves vaanee.

Some people don’t believe it when the effeminate man says that they aren’t acting girlie on purpose. It’s like that person knows about what the effeminate person chooses and doesn’t choose, a lot more than the effeminate person himself knows what he chooses and doesn’t choose, but that is NOT right, because that’s like a teacher telling you that you kept your book at home on purpose, even when in reality, you forgot to bring it. It’s like the teacher knows more than about the student, and the student knows what he does and doesn’t do.

Whether they developed it or not, if they don’t do it on purpose, it is NOT forbidden.

Don’t assume things. Don’t assume that someone did this or thought like that, because you won’t know the real answer. That person himself will know the real answer. 

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