Tuesday, August 20, 2013

އަންހެންދުޅަ ފިރިހެނުންނާއި، ފިރިހެންދުޅަ އަންހެނުންނަކީ ވެސް އިންސާނުން!

Last year, I remember one of my teachers saying, “Emeehun ulheynee varah randu koh. Emeehun ulheynee “aai dhen theena dho”.. ehen vefa”. Well, unfortunately, I didn’t hear what he said before that, but I did find out later. One of my classmates, let’s call him “Chuck”. He was calling this other friend of mine (Nate), gay and then Chuck said, “kurin dhuvahu ves sir bunyehnu ekahala meehunney randu vaanee”.

Well, that’s when I knew what the teacher really said. He was talking about how all effeminate people (randu firihenun) are gay. I’d say that’s really offensive. I wonder how Nate felt, when the teacher said that. It must have felt terrible. We’re talking about a teacher talking shit about stuff that he doesn’t know about.

Some people believe that effeminate (randu) people are gay, and a lot of people do call them gay, but this is not completely true. Not all effeminate people are gay, and not all effeminate people are straight, either. Almost whenever a person sees an effeminate guy, they conclude that he’s gay while I continue wondering why. Why do people say that all effeminate people are gay? Could it be the media brainwashing people again? Could be. There’s no evidence to whether effeminate people are gay or not, so they are not to be judged as gay. There COULD be SOME effeminate gay people, but not all of them are gay.

Some people think that they are acting like that on purpose, but that is not true. They don’t even realize it. I asked Nate some questions about being effeminate, and he said that he never even knew that he was girly, until people started calling him “randu”, and he said that he don’t know how to control it, since he doesn’t even know when he does girly stuff.

I guess it’s just natural that some people are like that. He doesn’t even know when he does girly things. He doesn’t even notice it. Have you ever been in a situation where a person tells another person “you walk like this”, and that person shows a demo of it, and everyone agrees that it’s true, and you do too?
For example, there’s a guy who walks in some weird way, but he doesn’t know it. Everyone else does, and people tell him that he walks weird, but he doesn’t know what the hell they are talking about. Effeminacy is kind of like that too, except for the fact that effeminacy doesn’t include only “one” act. It includes many.

Let’s compare an effeminate man and a man who walks “weird”. When people start saying that the person walks weird, the person tries to walk normally, and that’s really hard, but possible. Yes, getting rid of a “part” of your effeminate side is also possible, but I doubt that it’s possible to completely get rid of it. I’ve analyzed some stuff about this effeminate friend of mine, which made me believe that it’s not possible to completely get rid of it. There was this other friend of mine who helped him to get rid of his girly side, and yes it did “kind of” work, but it didn’t completely change him. He still liked the same stuff that other girls usually liked, and he still kind of acted like a girl.

But the real question here is whether they should change or not. I’d say that it’s their own choice whether they should change it or not. Different people have different reasons to do what they have planned to do. I think it’s always best to stop the hater, instead of stopping the victim. There is absolutely nothing wrong with being effeminate. Just because you’re effeminate, doesn’t mean that you’re gay. It just means that you’re just another human who happens to be different. There are different people in this world and some of us are just more different than others.  I don’t know whether they are born like that or not, but either way, they must not be hated, discriminated or judged for being effeminate. It’s part of who they are. It doesn’t cause any harm to anyone. They are humans too. They have feelings. They should be treated nicely too, as long as they don’t hurt you on purpose.

Some people say that it’s a choice to be effeminate, and that is absolutely wrong. Ask an effeminate person yourself (not offensively, but nicely) and he might give an answer. He might even say, “I’m not girly!” and that’s only because he doesn’t know that he’s girly, but the people around him knows the truth. If he chose to be effeminate, he would know that he’s effeminate, but he doesn’t, unless people tell them that they’re effeminate.

Be kind to one another. We all have feelings. Before you judge, always find out why the person you judge, does those stuff which you seem to dislike, and after you find the answer to that question, think to yourself, why you judge that person, and try to understand, and even if you couldn’t understand, it doesn’t mean that you have to discriminate them. As long as they do no harm to you, you must not attempt any sort of discrimination.  


P.S. The same thing goes for boyish-girls (masculine girls) too.

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